• Çukurambar Mahallesi, Muhsin Yazıcıoğlu Cad. No:8/21
  • 0312 220 47 67
  • info@draliseven.com
Çukurambar Mahallesi, Muhsin Yazıcıoğlu Cad. No:8/21 Çankaya/ANKARA

IVF is a treatment method that increases the probability of pregnancy in couples who are not likely to have a normal pregnancy or have a very low probability of having a normal pregnancy. In vitro fertilization means the fertilization of male and female reproductive cells outside the body. In vitro fertilization was first performed in England in 1978. In our country, the first IVF was performed by Ege University in 1989. Today, many couples who have problems having a baby use this method. The foundation of IVF treatment was done in 1971 and it has developed continuously and formed today’s IVF treatment technique.


Who is suitable for the IVF Method?

In vitro fertilization techniques have continuously improved with technology and have affected the lives of many couples with new methods. All the improvements made are to increase the success rate of in vitro fertilization and were applied on the basis of negative factors.

These developments;

• Microthesis (testicular biopsy under the microscope)
• Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD technique in which the embryos of the couples are examined and healthy ones are selected)
• Assisted Hatching (Thinning of the embryo wall by laser)
• Freezing (The process of freezing embryos, sperm and eggs for later use)
• Embryoscope (A technique that enables the selection of healthy ones by following the embryo development with a camera)

First Step in IVF Treatment

If couples’ previous attempts to have a baby have been unsuccessful, they are first asked to explain their experiences in this regard. Important experiences such as previous treatments, pregnancy and miscarriage should be learned. Your previous test results and examinations will be reviewed by your doctor. Any surgical report or notes related to this, sperm analysis, Couple’s blood tests Reports if they have been treated before Uterine Film (HSG) Chromosome Analysis
Reports on other diseases, if any All these data help to organize and determine the IVF treatment process and time of starting the treatment.

Reproductive Techniques

In Vitro Fertilization: It is the process of artificial fertilization of gonads taken from the ovaries with sperm taken from the male outside the body. IVF treatment is the preferred treatment method during infertility treatment when other treatments fail. If fertilization does not occur by natural methods, it is done by experts in a laboratory environment using the reproductive tissues of the couples and special instruments. This method is especially preferred in individuals with significant problems in sperm count and quality.

ICSI (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection): It is the process of placing the sperm taken from the male into the gonad cell taken from the mother candidate under the microscope by means of very small catheters. If fertilization does not occur by natural methods, it is done by experts in a laboratory environment using the reproductive tissues of the couples and special instruments. This method is especially preferred in individuals with significant problems in sperm count and quality.

Achieving successful results in IVF treatment is higher with an experienced team and a quality laboratory environment. The factors that most affect IVF success are the factors that cause infertility. In women with reduced ovarian production, the success rate of IVF treatment is less than 15%. Women who are treated for ovulation problems have a 38% greater chance of success.

Steps in IVF Treatment
  • Initial examination and evaluation of the couples
  • Stimulation of the ovaries and gonad maturation
  • Gonad Collection
  • Taking a sperm sample from the male
  • IVF or microinjection (ICSI) application
  • Genetic testing for embryos if needed
  • Embryo transfer
  • Pregnancy test
Who Is Suitable For IVF Treatment?

While investigating IVF treatment, the question frequently asked by individuals is who is suitable for this method. Pregnancy with IVF method is considered as a treatment in cases where couples cannot achieve pregnancy despite having regular and unprotected sexual intercourse within 1 year. Necessary tests are performed for the treatment process and the couples are evaluated according to these results.

The following factors cause Endometriosis disruption:

  • The semen sample taken from the male is not sufficient for normal pregnancy methods or the sperm cells are not quality
  • Although the female is not old, her ovarian reserve has decreased.
  • Failure to get pregnant despite 6 months of regular unprotected sexual intercourse with the factor of female age (over 38 years old)
Insemination treatment

If pregnancy cannot be achieved despite regular intercourse, the insemination method is a good and fast option. The insemination aims to increase the chance of pregnancy by producing more than one gonad by stimulating the ovaries with pills or daily injections following the menstrual period. The semen sample taken from the male is subjected to special processes, and the good and fast-moving live sperm are washed and separated from the semen. The sperms are concentrated in a small volume in a special sterile liquid that maintains its vitality and motility. The washed sperm is passed through the cervix with a thin cannula (catheter) and injected into the uterus (endometrium). The patient rests for about half an hour. If necessary, the patient can be given progesterone and antibiotics. After insemination, no prohibition is applied to the social or sexual life of the patient. Pregnancy expectation per vaccine is 15-20%. 10-20% of pregnancies that occur are in the form of multiple pregnancies.

  • If a problem in ovulation is detected in the patient;
  • If there is a moderate problem in sperm quality;
  • If the mucus secretion in the cervix negatively affects the sperm,
  • If there is a problem in sexual intercourse
  • In case of unexplained infertility, the physician may recommend insemination.

With the insemination process, fast-moving, live, non-deformed sperm are separated, concentrated and the meeting distance with the gonad is shortened. At the same time, we maximize the chance of pregnancy by coordinating the time of ovulation with the arrival of the sperms in the uterus. After the gonad hatches, the insemination process can be repeated once or twice, according to the physician’s decision, taking into account the patient’s condition and sperm quality. The patient who is suitable for the insemination process may need to repeat this treatment at certain intervals. However, if the treatment is repeated 2-4 times and no result is obtained, it should be considered that other problems accompany infertility.

Patients who are unsuccessful in insemination treatment or who are not suitable for insemination benefit from other assisted reproductive techniques. If the patient’s fallopian ducts are not functioning (hydrosalpenx, closed tubes, attached tubes, operated tubes), if the relationship between the ovaries and tubes is impaired for any reason (adhesions due to past surgeries, adhesions due to infections, endometriosis and adhesions), and if there is a problem with advanced spermatozoa, the female If the patient is in the advanced age group, if the cause of infertility is unknown and has not benefited from other reproductive techniques, if there are recurrent miscarriages or immunological infertility, in vitro fertilization (in vitro fertilization) or “Microinjection” method is required.

علاج التخصيب
إذا تعذر حدوث الحمل على الرغم من الجماع المنتظم، فإن طريقة التخصيب أفضل وأسرع خيار. يهدف التخصيب إلى زيادة فرصة الحمل من خلال إنتاج أكثر من بويضة عن طريق تحفيز المبيضين بأقراص أو حقن يومية بعد فترة الحيض. تخضع عينة السائل المنوي المأخوذة من الرجل لإجراءات خاصة، ويتم غسل الحيوانات المنوية الحية الجيدة وسريعة الحركة وفصلها عن السائل المنوي. ويتم تركيز الحيوانات المنوية في حجم صغير في سائل معقم خاص يحافظ على حيويتها وقدرتها على الحركة. يتم تمرير الحيوانات المنوية المغسولة عبر عنق الرحم باستخدام انبوبة دقيقة جدا (قسطرة) وحقنها في الرحم (بطانة الرحم). يجب استراحة المريض لمدة نصف ساعة تقريبا. إذا لزم الأمر، يمكن إعطاء المريض البروجسترون والمضادات الحيوية. بعد التخصيب، لا يتم تطبيق أي حظر على الحياة الاجتماعية أو الجنسية للمريض. نسبة الحمل لكل عملية تخصيب هو 15-20٪. تشكل 10-20% من الحمل عن طريق التخصيب تكون بشكل حمل متعدد.

لمن يوصى بالتخصيب؟ يوصى الطبيب بالتخصيب:
• إذا تم اكتشاف مشكلة في التبويض لدى الأم.
• إذا كانت هناك مشكلة متوسطة في جودة الحيوانات المنوية.
• إذا كان إفراز المخاط في عنق الرحم يؤثر سلبا على الحيوانات المنوية.
• إذا كان هنالك مشاكل في الجماع.
• في حالة العقم غير المبرر.
مع عملية التخصيب، يتم فصل الحيوانات المنوية سريعة الحركة والحية وغير المشوهة وتركيزها وتقصير مسافة الالتقاء مع البويضة. وفي نفس الوقت، نقوم بزيادة فرصة الحمل من خلال تنسيق وقت التبيض مع وصول الحيوانات المنوية إلى الرحم. بعد نضوج البويضات يمكن تكرار عملية التخصيب مرة أو مرتين حسب قرار الطبيب مع مراعاة حالة المريض ونوعية الحيوانات المنوية. قد يحتاج المريض المناسب لعملية التخصيب إلى إعادة هذا العلاج على فترات زمنية معينة. ومع ذلك، إذا تكرر العلاج 2-4 مرات ولم يتم الحصول على نتائج، فيجب اعتبار أن هناك مشاكل أخرى تصاحب العقم.

المرضى الذين لم ينجحوا في علاج التخصيب أو غير المناسبين للتخصيب يستفيدون من تقنيات الإنجاب المساعدة الأخرى. يتم استخدام طريقة التخصيب في المختبر (أطفال الانابيب) أو طريقة "الحقن المجهري" إذا كانت قنوات فالوب للمريض لا تعمل (وجود سوائل في قنوات فالوب "Hydrosalpinx")، أو الأنابيب مغلقة، أو الأنابيب ملتصقة، أو تمت عملية في الأنابيب) أو وجود اضطرابات بين المبيضين والأنابيب لأي سبب من الأسباب (التصاقات بسبب عمليات جراحية سابقة، أو التصاقات بسبب الالتهابات، أو التصاقات بسبب التهابات، أو التصاقات في بطانة الرحم)، أو إذا كانت هناك مشكلة متقدمة في الحيوانات المنوية، أو إذا كانت المرأة من الفئة العمرية المتقدمة، أو إذا كان سبب العقم غير معروف ولم تستفد من تقنيات الإنجاب الأخرى، أو إذا كان هناك إجهاض متكرر أو عقم مناعي.

0312 220 47 67